Passionate About Tibetan Terriers

“Buster is fabulous. When Jim brought him home he slept in the
cage with Kelly on the couch beside him. The next night he was in her
bed before she had brushed her teeth and has slept there ever since. He
learned how to open the glass pocket doors to the sun room so he has the
run of the house and has not had an accident. I have taken him to school
several times and the children love him. He gets in the shower every
evening with Kelly and has been swimming in the bay. Needless to say we
love him. He is the best behaved puppy and very social. We took him to
an outdoor concert with tons of people and no one could believe how good
he was. They thought he was an older dog with obedience training. I
must tell you that the vet said he was the healthiest puppy she had ever
checked from a breeder. I hope you will let us know if you have puppies
“Mabel is doing great!! She is a wonderful dog and we love her so much! She has a very sweet disposition and is a great companion. Since both of my daughters are away at college this year; she has really filled a void. She loves to go on long walks, play catch and torture the cat. I think she is really just trying to get the cat to play, but she will have none of it. She is very healthy and full of energy. We have enjoyed spoiling her and she sleeps with us at night in our bed. Keep us posted on the new litter--- it is tempting. We are grateful we were able to get Mabel from you--- she is the best dog!”
“Thanks for your excellent work, Rufus is pure puppy and he loves and
is loved by everyone, a true charmer. I took him to an art show the first Saturday and carried him around. People were amazed at how laid
back and calm he was. He was content to stay in my arms and allow other people to pet him and was so charming that nobody complained that I brought
a dog in. In all, he is a pure delight and we love him very much already.
Thank you so much for doing such a good job with him and his litter mates.”
- Billie and Jim
“Dexter is such a cutie and everyone falls in love with him. In fact, the guy who came to fix our A/C wanted to take him home. Then the true test came....when the guy left, Dexter did not get up or anything....he kept playing with his toys and at the last moment, he covered his face with his two little paws but did not look back at the guy!! He was sooo cute. Everyone loves him.”
“Sadie is such a wonderful companion- the best dog I have ever had. At my age, 72, I wasn't sure if I was getting in over my head, but Sadie has been a pure delight. She loves other dogs and has never had an accident. We walk the golf course every day and she is a great trooper. Plus she is the biggest
love bug ever! Everyone comments on how beautiful and well behaved she is."
-Bill and Jill
“Buster is fabulous. I hope you will let us know when you have puppies again.”
“We are grateful we were able to get Mabel from you - she is the best dog!”
“Thank you for doing such a great job with Rufus and his litter mates.”
“Dexter is such a cutie, everyone falls in love with him”
“Sadie is the best dog that I have ever had.”